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Cracked Tooth? Learn How You Should Handle a Dental Emergency

March 17, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drhoward @ 5:10 pm
a dental emergency

It can be difficult to know what to do in an emergency. First, there’s the initial shock, then panic, then fear, and then it snowballs until you or someone else calms down enough to take action. When faced with a dental emergency, the first thing you should try to do is remain calm. This will enable you to take the right steps to prevent further damage. But what if you don’t know the steps? That’s okay! Let us further explain what constitutes a dental emergency and how to handle such situations should they arise.


The Domino Effect: Discover How Gum Disease Can Be Linked to Poor Heart Health

March 10, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drhoward @ 5:07 pm
a toothbrush with blood on it

With so many kinds of doctors treating different areas of the mind and body, you might be surprised to learn just how intertwined it all can be. While you’re seeing a counselor about the stress in your life, your dentist is providing you with a nightguard to prevent teeth grinding, which you started doing because of the stress. Did you know the same type of connection can be made between gum disease and poor heart health? To further explain, read on to find out how oral infection can lead to cardiovascular disease.
