The canals inside of your teeth hold various nerves and tissues that can become infected or inflamed. If Dr. Nelson Y. Howard finds out that your tooth has become infected, he’ll likely tell you that you need root canal treatment. This procedure does not cause anywhere near as much pain as its reputation would have you believe; instead, it gives us a chance to clean and sterilize the inside of your tooth so that we can stop the damage without extracting it. Root canal treatment in San Marcos, CA is often vital for keeping your smile intact; call us if you have any reason to suspect an infection, such as a toothache that doesn’t go away.
After administering the proper level of dental anesthesia, we’ll place a rubber dam around your tooth so that the area stays free of saliva while we work. After making a small access hole in the enamel, the decayed tissue inside the tooth will be removed. We’ll need to clean the full length of the tooth in order to ensure that all of the bacteria are taken out so that a new infection doesn’t form. The tooth will then be permanently sealed and then covered with a dental crown if
Dr. Howard feels this is necessary.